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“Collage Who You Are” Self-Portrait

Collage Who You Are Self-PortraitFor centuries, artists have created self-portraits to give others a glimpse into who they are. Since our likes and dislikes, personalities, hobbies, and skills all contribute to making us interesting and unique, why not include those in a self-portrait, too? And what could be a more fun approach to this than a mixed media collage??!

For this project we used a bit of everything…. photos, words and images from magazines, construction paper, markers, stickers, and paint.

Start gathering your images as you think about what to include in your self-portrait. Laying things out before you glue can be helpful in making room for everything you want to include. But really, there are no rules…. which is a big part of the fun!

The project above was inspired by an artist I follow on Instagram…. @nullsie. But you can create your own self-portrait collage in any way you choose. Inspiration is everywhere when you look for it!

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