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How to Have an Elements of Art Scavenger Hunt in a Painting

How to Have an Elements of Art Scavenger Hunt in a Painting
Olive Trees with Yellow Sky and Sun by Vincent van Gogh

An artist will combine some or all of the Elements of Art (line, shape, form, space, texture, value, color) to create a painting, drawing, or sculpture. Having an Elements of Art Scavenger Hunt in a Painting is a fun way to teach these concepts.

When you teach the Elements of Art, you give your students a common vocabulary with which to talk about art. The same vocabulary applies whether you’re talking about student work or the work of a master artist from long ago, like Vincent van Gogh.

Have an Elements of Art Scavenger Hunt… in a painting!

To have an Elements of Art Scavenger Hunt in a painting, first choose the painting you’d like to use. Every painting will have at least some of the elements, but not necessarily all of them.

You can hang a fine art poster or calendar page in the front of the room for a whole class activity. Or collect smaller fine art note cards and art show announcements and have students work together cooperatively in small groups.

Then ask students to study the painting and identify as many of the Elements of Art as they can.

This is a fun way to test and reinforce your students’ understanding while exposing them to great works of art. It’s also a perfect activity for those extra minutes you sometimes find yourself with at the end of a lesson.

Try my Beachball Scavenger Hunt for another fun activity featuring the Elements of Art & Principles of Design.

This article contains links that explain each of the Elements of Art. Can you find six of the seven Elements of Art in the painting by Vincent Van Gogh above??

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