This easy sugar skull art project is sure to be a hit with students in grades 3 and up. Sugar skulls are a popular icon representing the Day of the Dead holiday.
Day of the Dead(or Dia De Los Muertos) is a festive two day celebration (November 1st & 2nd) honoring the lives of loved ones who have died. This colorful holiday from the Hispanic cultures of Mexico, Spain, and South America, is gaining wide popularity across the U.S.
If you’re not familiar with kirigami…. think “paper snowflakes” and you’ll have the basic idea! Kirigami is similar to Origami (paper folding) but it includes cutting the paper in addition to folding it.
If you google kirigami, you’ll find examples that are extremely detailed and intricate. These are made by adults using an Xacto knife on a cutting mat, often with complex patterns as guides. But kids can have fun with kirigami just using plain copy paper and scissors.
This Easy Sugar Skull art project can be simply glued on a contrasting background – or embellished with markers (or glitter glue!) to add some color, if you like!
You’ll Need:
8.5”x11” copy paper, white
9”x12” construction paper (black or any color you like)
glue stick
hole punch(es)
parchment paper
glitter glue
1. Fold your copy paper in half vertically, matching the long edges (the “hot dog way”). Without unfolding it, fold it one more time the same direction.
2. Then, unfold your paper and fold it in half the other direction, matching the shorter edges (the “hamburger way”). Without unfolding it, fold it one more time the same direction.
3. Now unfold your paper and smooth it out a bit.
4. Fold your paper in half vertically again. With your pencil, sketch the skull, nose and mouth on just one side of the folded edge. Keep in mind that you’ll be making a symmetrical design by cutting on the fold lines.
5. Start by cutting away the outer edge beyond the skull shape, then the nose, and the mouth.
6. Sketch an eye shape just above the middle horizontal fold.
7. Fold your paper on the fold line that runs through the middle of the eye and cut on the fold line.
8. Cutting half of one eye with your paper folded this way will yield two symmetrical eyes!
9. You can stop here, or continue adding details, smaller shapes, or hole punches. Make as many new fold lines to cut on as you need to. It can help to sketch where you want new fold lines to go as you develop your design – just to keep it symmetrical.
10. When you’ve finished cutting, smooth out your fold lines by re-folding them in the opposite direction or by pressing them flat with an iron on low heat, under a sheet of parchment paper.
11. Glue your sugar skull kirigami (with pencil lines facing down) to a piece of construction paper in a contrasting color.
12. Use markers and/or glitter glue to add color to your design.