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Letter to a First Year Art Teacher – Practical Advice from the Trenches

Letter to a First Year Art Teacher
Dear First Year Art Teacher,

Congratulations on your new job teaching Art. You are embarking on a wonderful adventure!

There will be days ahead when you’ll declare to anyone who will listen that you have the BEST job in the world. There is so much to love about teaching Art to kids. But as with all things, there will be challenging times, too.

I’d like to share some things I’ve learned (the hard way), to help you launch into the world of teaching as smoothly as possible. Some of these suggestions are specific to Art teachers, but many could apply to any new teacher. I hope these tips will help you become the best teacher you can be.

Take care of your health

First things first…. guard your health. New teachers are known to catch every “bug” that goes around. It doesn’t have to be that way, but you’ll need to be intentional about taking good care of yourself. That means getting enough sleep, drinking lots of water, eating healthy food, exercising, and washing your hands a lot. (You may be rolling your eyes, since I’m sure you already know all this, but if you actually do it, it really works.)

For me, it also means taking extra vitamin C and D, getting a flu shot, and being up to date on vaccines. Talk to your doctor about what you can do to boost your immunity. You’ll find more tips for staying healthy in this post. Everything is so much easier when you feel good.

Prioritize classroom management

Teach rules & procedures

Good classroom management is essential. Go over your rules, procedures, and expectations on Day 1, but leave time for a fun art activity, too. Plan to keep teaching your procedures all year long. (I know… you shouldn’t have to, but you will.)

Don’t be surprised when you have to re-teach procedures after several months of doing them… especially after vacations. When students “forget” a particular routine or procedure, stop everything and have them “practice” it. But also “catch them” doing things right and praise them whenever you can.

Simplify your rules to make them easy to remember. Instead of having a long list of “Rules”, try boiling them down to just a couple of categories, like: “RESPECT” (yourself, your artwork, your teacher, your materials, your classmates) and “EFFORT” (always try your best). Those two groupings cover just about any classroom infraction you might have. 

Whatever rules you choose to adopt for your classroom, be consistent about enforcing them. Students feel safer and more secure when they know what to expect, and their behavior will reflect that.

(Confused about the difference between “rules” and “procedures”? You can hear a good explanation on the second episode of Cassie Stephens’ podcast, “The Everyday Art Room”.)

In any conflict, remember to fact check

Wherever you have rules, you’ll have people breaking them. The key is to make sure you get the facts before you react. Situations are often different than they first appear. This applies to your classroom rules as well as interactions with (and between) students, parents, and fellow staff members. This simple tip alone will save you from all kinds of trouble.

Smile often

You’ll hear people say, “Don’t smile until Thanksgiving”, but I believe this sends the wrong message. Smile and let your students know you’re happy to be there with them, and tell them you love and value them. BUT…. if they’re behaving poorly, let them know you won’t tolerate it – because you believe in them and they’re better than that. And then smile again!

Communicate with parents

Communicate with parents early and often. Don’t be afraid to make that hard phone call. Get used to the fact that you probably won’t feel like it, and do it anyway. It’s fine to keep it short – just make yourself do it and pretty soon you’ll be more comfortable making those calls.

Language barrier? Don’t let that get in the way…. find a bilingual colleague who is willing to help you. Then try to make just as many calls with good news, too.

Connect with your peers

Eat lunch with the other teachers at your school…. even if you feel like you could get so much done by having a “working lunch” alone in your classroom. It takes time to build strong relationships, and spending lunchtime with your peers can really help.

Set limits

Set limits on your time and your materials. Don’t be surprised when teachers want to “borrow” your supplies or ask you to make signs or posters for them. Be careful of setting a precedent by being too “easy-going” in the beginning. It’s important to clearly communicate your limits.

Specify which materials you’re willing to share and keep them in a separate place where teachers can access them. Decide ahead of time how you’ll respond to requests for doing “quick little art projects” for other teachers or the Home & School Club. The Art of Education has a great article on this very topic here.

Search out ideas

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Take advantage of all the wonderful resources on the internet. You’ll find lots of great ideas on Pinterest, Instagram, Teachers Pay Teachers, podcasts, blogs, and Facebook groups just for Art teachers. There are so many fun ways to connect with other Art teachers, find inspiration, and discover new ideas to try.

Be teachable

Stay humble and teachable, and don’t be afraid to ask for help…. it won’t make you appear weak. Asking a colleague to observe you now and then can give you valuable feedback to help you grow as a teacher.

Have a thick skin

Do your best to have a “thick skin” in all circumstances. Avoid taking things personally or being easily offended by your students’ (or their parents’, or your colleagues’) behavior. Most of the time, it will have nothing to do with you, but everything to do with something going on at home.

Keep trying things

Don’t get frustrated by strategies that don’t work for you. Just keep trying new things and learning from what does (and doesn’t) work. There’s a wealth of information and ideas out there to be discovered!

Make the most of it

Remember that even the most difficult years bring blessings if you look for them. No two years are ever the same. Your challenges will change from year to year, so try to keep them in perspective. As your confidence and experience grow, things will get easier.

Finally, enjoy your students. Appreciate all the fun things you get to do with them. You have a unique opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these kids and their families, so do all you can to make the most of it.

xo ~ Cheryl


For more “Learn from My Mistakes” wisdom for Art teachers, read “10 Mistakes Every Art Teacher Can Avoid”.

If you’re already an experienced Art teacher, what advice would you add to this list?? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

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