
smarthistory.org – bookmark this site!

I recently came across a great resource for anyone interested in the history of art…. “smarthistory.org”.  This site describes itself as a “not for profit, multimedia art history textbook”, but it’s so much more than that!  Rather than presenting names and dates in a dry, lecture format, the history of art is offered here in unscripted conversations between experts in the field of art history.
You can browse the well organized smarthistory collection by time period, style, artist, or theme.  A helpful timeline includes images, videos and other related links.  Follow conversations on topics like “Why Look at Art?” and “The Skill of Describing” and even listen to iTunes podcasts about artists and their work.  Visit this engaging site for quick information but be sure to come back when you have time to explore awhile.  Smarthistory provides a great refresher on art history and supports lifelong learning.  Share this multimedia resource with your students to introduce key ideas and inspire them to think about the old masters in new ways!

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  1. I found this site recently and LOVE it. It is a great resource for me because I teach elementary art and AP Art History. I've already assigned watching a few of the videos as homework assignments for my students. What a dynamic way to review, instead of assigning an additional reading. Great reinforcement!